Friday, October 15, 2010

The Glove is Good

Last Thursday night, our fate was in our own hands; we win, 1st place is ours. We didn't concern ourselves with the complicated details about what would happen if we lost, we just went out and played the game.

We don't get paid to play softball, there were no television cameras documenting the game, there were no sports writers speculating about how good or bad we are, there were no tabloids waiting to follow us after the game to write about the drama in our personal lives (and believe me, there is some drama!).

So, why do we play the game?

When we cinch up our cleats, when we pound our gloves with our fists, when we step up to the plate with a bat in our hands, when we run onto the field for the first play of the game we do it for very simple reasons; we love the game, and we love our team.

And Thursday night, everything came together in a beautiful way. It was the culmination of the effort every single one of us put into The Glove since last Spring, and for some of us it goes back a little further.

We were up to bat to start the game, and when Ann scored the first run in the 1st inning we took the early lead and owned it; our defense stepped up, our bats kept swinging, we ran the base paths with passionate aggression, and when the rain subsided, when we secured the last out of the game we walked off the field in 1st place, 16-9 victors over SBW.


Players of the Game

1. Jonathan filled in for The Glove in left field several games back, and I've done everything I can to make sure he showed up for every game since then. He represents everything that is good about The Glove; he brings a big smile, a heavy bat and some fast wheels. Thursday night Jonathan got worked in left field. SBW had some big hitters and they swung for the fences every chance they got. Left field was a busy and wet place, but Jonathan made every catch, hit every cutoff throw and hooked up with Ali and Dylan on what I think is the play of the game. Jonathan went 4-for-4 at the plate scoring 3 runs, including a timely inside the park homerun on his first at-bat. Big ups, Jonathan.

2. Ann is another fill-in Glover who I hope we will see much more of in the future. Like many of the other ladies on the team, Ann has a softball history, a well rounded experience and a healthy respect for the game. Thursday night, she made several big catches in left center field (big shoes to fill with the irreplaceable Kendra missing the game), but she stepped up and paid respect to the position. She also has a big bat, and if she could straighten out that swing just a tiny bit she will easily become one of the most dangerous hitters in our glovely lineup. She still managed to score 2 runs on 2-for-5 hitting. Much love, Ann.

3. Tim.

4. Holly is another new and much welcomed addition to STG. Her energy and bright smile make it a joy to play softball in the rain. Holly showed off her speed in the 3rd inning beating out a close play at first base (almost beat out another infield hit on a very close play) and made it all the way to third but didn't quite score. Holly, I hope you're gonna be ready for some more softball in the Spring.

5. What can I say about Dan? At the plate, he has only gotten better and better, going 3-for-4 and scoring 2 runs. On defense, he is so good at first base that we don't even think (worry?) about that position, but he's also managed to improve his play in the field, snaring pop ups in foul territory, hooking up with his pitcher on force outs at 1st base, and stretching and catching every conceivable ball thrown to him. Without a doubt, the most improved player on the team. There is no way we could have had such a successful season with you.

6. Abbey gives STG an advantage everytime she steps on the field. She can play any infield position you ask of her and plays those positions very well, although she currently owns 2nd base, and at the plate she is easily one of the most versatile hitters we have. She got the longball party started for The Glove in the 3rd inning by driving the ball deep to centerfield for extra bases, which quickly became a trend for our hitters. Abbey put together a solid 2-for-4 with the bat scoring 1 run in our big 5-run 3rd inning, and she helped anchor the middle part of the infield. When Coach steps on the mound with Abbey and Dan on the right side of the infield, he breathes a little easier.

7. What is a BADMAN? A badman is someone who will push the limits to make your softball team better; he will try to make the impossible out, he will try to hit the ball farther than anyone else, a badman will run the base paths with wreckless abandon trying to get himself into scoring position and score runs when the team needs them the most. Dylan is Badman. Besides going 3-for-4 at the plate and scoring two runs, Dylan did something more important. A few weeks ago our regular shortstop began having some scheduling conflicts and couldn't make the remaining few games. I asked Dylan if he would mind filling in at shortstop, and in typical badman fashion he embraced the opportunity. Not only did he 'fill in' at shortstop, I think he found a new calling. Dylan scooped up every ground ball that came his way, he made clean throws to 1st base, and he provided valuable support as the cutoff man for the many balls hit into the outfield. And he was part of the three person play at 3rd base that stopped our opponents momentum and gave us a critical out in the waning moments of the game. Even though you make my heart pound with anxiety many times during a game, you also make my heart sing when it matters most.

8. Some people were born to paint, other people were born to brew coffee for a living, and still other people were destined to live under a bridge. Ali Brown was born to play 3rd base. I was really bummed when I found out Ali was going to miss some games because she started her grad school program, but when our rainout game was rescheduled for October 14 she immediately emailed me to tell me she could play. I think that moment was one of the sparks that helped us win on Thursday night. Ali was a big part of our offense going 3-for-4 and scoring two runs in our 5-run 3rd and 5th innings. She also took part in that amazing 7-6-5 out at 3rd base that stifled SBW's late game rally and helped secure our defensive control of the game.

During the first practice Smell The Glove ever had, Ali and I warmed up together. I still remember playing catch with her that day, hearing her laugh, being a little hard on herself when her throws were less than perfect, but when things got a little more serious, when we took the field and people started hitting the balls she kept her lively attitude but her focus sharpened. Ali, no matter what I do in life, I always want to look over my right shoulder and see you standing there.

9. SG. Those two letters don't go together in too many words: hooSGow, tranSGender, thankSGiving... But when you put a *T* as in team between those letters you get STG, as in Smell The Glove, and Sarah is a big part of what puts those words and this team together. I know catcher isn't a glorious position on the field (neither is pitching for that matter), but pitch and catch are the foundation of softball. I want to thank Sarah for giving us such a strong foundation by graciously playing catcher, as well as subbing in at 2nd base and right field when we needed her. But more importantly I want to thank Sarah for showing up to every game with a quiet grace, an aggressive approach to the game, and a willingness to do what it takes to help us play the game, to help us win games, and to share in the joy of another great season. It always puts a smile on my face to see SG step into the batter's box, hoist that bat over her right shoulder, dig the left toe of her cleat into the ground and dare the pitcher to give her something to hit. At that moment I know anything is possible.

10. Coach. That word means something to everyone: Bad television sitcom, the bartender on Cheers, the creepy old guy with alcohol on his breath who ruined your little league experience. For this team, the last example still probably holds true :) but to me, Coach means a chance to play a game I love with a group of people who have become a family. I don't think of you all as the guy who plays left field or the woman who can hit really well, or the guy who runs fast; I think of everyone who played on Thursday night as my friend(s) Ann, Ali, Dylan, Abbey, Tim, Holly, Dan, Sarah, and Jonathan. We were missing a few people, but they were not forgotten: I always smile when I think about Kendra, I can't imagine ever playing without her; I missed Jonanna's passion; I wish Nick could have played these last few games with us. And I still miss and think fondly of past Glovers who have joined STG, made us better for the experience and moved on (maybe one or two of them will be back someday...?): Scott "don't call me Kendra" Binney; Quiet ssShawna; Mark "Crazy Legs" Zackowski; Old Man Tigran Eldred; and who can forget the Three Chrises (Hollywood Chris, Piano Chris, and Big Chris, aka, Crazy Chris, aka Scary Chris!). There are only 4 people left from the original STG roster, but it makes me smile to know that we're still able to find the right people to help make this team fun and successful. Thank you, all.

Play of the Game

In the 3rd inning, the torrential rain storm wasn't the only thing we had to weather; SBW's hitting came alive in a very big way. Their bats began crushing the ball, hitting the fence on almost every swing. They scored 5 runs that inning, and they knew they had to make another push if they were to have any chance of competing with The Glove. Late in the game with a 6 or 7 run deficit (depending on which score keeper you asked), Swings Both Ways was trying to mount another comeback. Their leadoff hitter crushed the ball deep to left field over Jonathan's head, he played the ball off the fence and came up throwing. The wet ball proved a big challenge to anyone who had to make a throw, but the cutoff still made it to Dylan in shallow left field. Knowing they had to take some chances, the runner tried to stretch the hit into a tripe. Dylan secured the wet ball and fired a strike to Ali at 3rd base, she fielded the throw cleanly applying the tag in a smooth motion and showing the umpire the ball... it was gonna be close... on a bang-bang play at 3rd base, OUT! After getting that 1st out in the inning the next two hitters went down in order, 3 up, 3 down. Not only was this a beautiful play to watch, but if effectively took the wind out of their sails and asserted our defensive control of the game.

Iron Man Award. As sad or respectable as it may seem, Coach didn't miss a single game this season, even during the three weeks he was going to the chiropractor for a bad back he still managed to play. He is always one of the first people to show up before a game, and he is always one of the last to leave. And with a little help from a few people (mostly Kendra), Coach did everything he could to accommodate everyone's busy schedules and still make sure we had enough people to play every week...and still give The Glove the best possible chance to win. But Coach doesn't do those things for recognition, I don't think he knows how to do anything else. No one suffers a loss and no one celebrates a win as much as Coach. I hope you all know he is doing the best he can. Props to Coach for giving it everything he has :)

PS I like to tease Tim every chance I get. Tim is a great guy, someone I've known for about two years, but it feels like our connection goes back further than that. This is only the 2nd league I've ever played with Tim (we played volleyball together last year and won a championship! so maybe he is a good luck charm for me), and I think it goes without saying that he is the best possible teammate anyone could ask for. Not only is he surprisingly athletic, especially for someone his age, but he brings such a positive, fun, carefree (oft times perverted :) ) energy to the team. He goes out of his way to be friendly and welcoming to everyone, and he makes everyone laugh. I hope we can keep laughing and winning together for more years to come.



  1. Coach, what a fantastic season it has been. Though it often involved yelling, I appreciate you teaching me how I could improve and pushing me to be a more consistent player. I love our team and have been excited (as you can probably tell when I am first base coach) at all we have accomplished together. There is amazing support for each other and a real fondness that is rare to find among a new group of friends.

    Thank you to everyone and I hope we can keep our kick ass team going for many years to come.



  2. Coach,
    I enjoy your blog posts each week and will miss them until next season. Thanks for everything you do for the team. I enjoy coming to watch y'all play.

    Thanks for the great posts and can't wait till next season!

  3. that was like a nice warm hug!

    thank you coach for all your time, energy and patience. we appreciate all you do for STG! your efforts may sometimes go unspoken, but certainly not un-noticed. ;)

    i had a wonderful time this season and am certainly looking forward to next spring. i must admit the best part of STG is the people (winning helps too). this is a great group and i am blessed to be a part of it. thank you all for welcoming me with open arms.
