Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Run! Run Ahead! Run Ahead Rule!

We won another hard fought game last night, but for better or worse, it was called early due to the Run Ahead Rule... again, 14 - 4 this time. And we basically did it in less than 5 innings; we got 4 at-bats and scored 7 runs in one inning.

This keeps happening to us; we win big and the games end before time is up. I asked a few of you after the game if we are just 'that good' or if our opponents aren't 'that good.' The answer I heard from all of you put a smile on my face.

"We play good defense."

I feel like a proud father because I want that to be our focus. Defense wins games. Even though we have dominated 3 out of our 4 games this season offensively, it's nice to hear you all credit defense as our team strength.

Now, on to the awards!

Top plays:

1. & 2. Ali Brown gets two of these. She fielded two very hard hit balls right down the 3rd base line and forced the runners out at very critical times in the game almost single-handedly (glovely!) putting a halt to their comebacks.
3. Mark Zackowski. Filling in at shortstop for Scott is no easy task. Those are some big and sometimes smelly shoes to fill, but Mark played an amazing shortstop and made some solid plays, including a great catch on a hard hit low line drive.

Iron Man Award:

In the true spirit of The Glove, Scott Binney toughed it out last night and played without his support brace to show us how rugged he really is. He played a solid outfield, he hit twice and scored twice. It just goes to show when the going gets tough, the tough put on The Glove.

Player of the Game:

I debated listing Dan Neumann in the top plays category, but Thunder Dan deserves a highlight all his own. All season long, Dan has been a rock at 1st base, scooping up bad throws, showing good range on the field, getting timely hits and racking up the RBIs, but last night Dan made the most amazing diving catch at 1st base on a hard hit line drive going parallel to the ground then popping right back up like it was just business as usual. Just the way he doesn't miss a play on the field, Dan also hasn't missed a game or a practice. The Glove just wouldn't be The Glove without you. Great game last night, and great playing with you, Dan.


  1. All above notes are very well deserved - but I gotta give a shout out to Dylan - he had a rocket hit and caught every ball that came his way. Excellent work out there Dylan!!
