Monday, April 26, 2010

The Rules

Here's a recap of the Coed softball rules. Not too many changes to the rules this year. Changes to note:

a. Halo rule is better defined (good for me!).
b. Extra foul ball allowed in the count.



Will use the Progressive Home Run Rule starting with one (1) home run. A team may not have more than one more home run than the other team. If an additional home run is hit, (over the fence) the batter will be out.


Teams will be allowed to bat their rosters as long as the team is batting an even number of batters; 12,14, 16, etc., with an equal number of men and women players. Batting orders must alternate men and women.


Free substitution is permitted for coed league games as long as the number of batters is even and equal in numbers. Otherwise, you may enter a substitute under the ASA substitution rules.


Spring/Summer league along with tournaments will be using the 3-2 count format in which you will come to the plate with 1 ball and 1 strike (NEW: An extra foul ball will be allowed in the count). Game Times: No new innings will start after 1 hour. Games will be scheduled every one hour and 5 minutes).


The “Halo” Rule has been developed to provide greater protection to the pitcher. The halo rule is in effect if a line-drive ball (must be in the air) hits the pitcher, the batter is automatically out and the ball is ruled dead. The batter will receive a warning on the 1st offense and if the same batter hits the pitcher again, the batter is removed from the game. A line drive is defined as “A line drive is a ball hit directly back to the pitcher in the air, within the 2ft width of the pitcher plate from top of the pitcher’s head to the ground.


There will be a line drawn by either the umpire or pre-chalked prior to the start of first game of the night. The line will start roughly 1 foot out from the left edge of the batter’s box and extend 6-8 ft. out. A defensive player with the ball may merely touch home plate for a force out not matter how many runners are on base. In order to be called safe, the runner must cross this line, and either have his/her foot down at any part of the line or have the foot down past the line as long as the foot is down prior to a defensive player in possession of the ball touches home plate (the runner may not run through the batter’s box).

There will also be an intersecting line drawn across the third base line 2/3rds of the way between 3rd base and home. This is the commitment line in which, once a runner crosses this line they must proceed home. If the runner re-crosses this line, the runner will be declared out and the ball remains live. If a runner steps on home plate for any reason the runner will be called out. Tagging of a player is not permitted after the runner has crossed the commitment line. If the runner has not crossed the commitment line then the runner may be tagged.


One courtesy runner per gender, per inning is allowed. The last available player must be used as the courtesy runner (Must be Male or Female which ever pertains to the runner). Only one time per inning, if the person comes up a second time in the inning then no courtesy runner is permitted.


Teams will be allowed to start and finish a game with 9 players (must be 4 female/ 5 male or 4 male/ 5 female). However, if the 10th player shows, that player must be placed in the 9th or 10th position. If the 10th player doesn't arrive, an out will be recorded when that player is supposed to hit.


Any walk to a male batter will result in a two base award. The next batter (a female) will bat. EXCEPTION: With two outs, the female batter has the option to walk or bat. Note: Should the female batter-runner pass a male batter-runner when choosing to walk, no out shall be called during this dead ball period. A male batter-runner advancing to second base without touching first base shall be called out if properly appealed."


20 after 3 innings, 15 after 4 innings or 10 after 5th inning.


(Rule 4, Section 1-C ASA Rule Book: "Coed. Ten players, five male and five female: same as slowpitch with the following positioning requirements: two males and two females in both the infield and the outfield, and one male and one female as pitcher and/or catcher. Note: If a team plays shorthanded with either three in the infield or outfield, one of the three must be a male or a female player."


If the time limit is up after you have completed that inning and the score is tied, teams will be allowed two additional innings to break the tie. The International tie-breaker rule will be used. A drop dead time of one hour and 15 minutes will also be used. If the game is still tied at the completion of the additional two innings, the game will terminate at that point and a tie score will be reported in the standings.

13. BALLS:

Teams are responsible for providing a new 12” and 11” red stitch optic yellow softball when they are listed as the home team. Please provide a good used ball when listed as the visiting team. The required ball is an ASA certified red stitch 44 Cor, .375 compression ball. If a team fails to provide new balls when listed as the scheduled home team, that team will surrender it’s home team status and automatically become the visiting team.


Uniforms are not required, they are optional in the Coed League. Metal cleats are not allowed.


Lineups must be submitted to the other scorekeeper prior to the start of the game. Home team is responsible for keeping the book. Umpires are responsible for reporting the final score to the sports office.


On questionable days the rainout line will be updated at 3:30pm weekdays and 1pm on Sundays. For rainout information, call 503/823-3020 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              503/823-3020      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, option 3.Rainout/Make-Up schedules will be played between 1st and 2nd half of league play. Depending on the number of games rained out please note, that you may be scheduled to play more than one game in a given day or week and days to avoid may not pertain to rainout schedules in order to finish the 1st half of league play.


At the WVO Softball Complex beer can be purchased at the concession building, however, players may not take beer into the dugouts or outside the complex.

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