Friday, September 10, 2010

No Mercy

What a game.

I think this was the game of the year.
Best Glove game ever?

And what's more, we beat those Mercy Corps [insert derogatory term here]!

This game had it all: public intoxication, diving catches in the outfield, people getting hit with the ball, public intoxication, strikeouts, homeruns, and public intoxication!

When the smoke cleared and the band stopped playing... at the end of it all, The Glove showed no mercy and straight up took the game away from Mercy Corps. And those of us who played together will forever be bonded by the pain and endurance, as well as the sheer will and determination it took to win that game.

The game went 6 innings, and it was back and forth all night long: they scored 6 runs, we scored 5; they scored 3 runs, we scored 4... and at the end of 5 innings the score was knotted at 13 runs apiece.

Extra innings.

The umpire screamed at the top of his lungs, "We're now playing international rules!" meaning each team would go to bat with a runner in scoring position on 2nd base. Mercy Corps was the visiting team so they got first crack, and they jumped on us scoring 6 runs in a very deflating top half of the 6th inning.

The umpire looked at us as we finally secured the 3rd out and started walking off the field. "You need 7 runs," he said.

Coach hobbled to the sidelines, his back tightening more and more with every step, thirsting for that can of Budweiser waiting for him on the bench. In a very calm voice he reassured the embattled Glovers, "We don't need 7 runs. We just need to score 1 run, 1 run at a time."

Wise beyond his years, that man.

We started the bottom half of the 6th with Sarah on 2nd base. First pitch, crack! Dan drills the ball over second base into right field and stretches out an RBI double. One run.

Next batters, Kate and Tim, bam-bam! two more runs.

Then we hit a dip, two quick outs on two pop flies. Hope was fading, and it was fading fast.

Down three runs with two outs and a runner on 3rd base, Kendra nails a line drive double over shortstop into left field. One more run.

Coach steps up to bat, boom! hits a towering triple to left field scoring one more run.

Jonanna steps to the plate and drills a liner up the middle of the field for an RBI single. One more run.

Bottom of the 6th inning, two outs, a runner on 1st base, down by one run, Nick steps up to bat, CRACK! The ball sails into deep left center and rolls to the fence. With those long dancer's legs and her PF Flyers cinched up tight, Jonanna digs deep and scores the tying run all the way from 1st base (one more run). With the ball still in play, Nick is waived in aggressively as he motors around 3rd base. The ball is thrown in from the outfield, hits the cutoff at shortstop who throws a rope to home plate, the pitcher falls back to cover the force out at home--it's gonna be close...


The last run.

On a walk-off inside the park home run, The Glove wins 20-19.


I want to give props to Kate & Amy for filling in again this week; you two are a godsend. And Kate was playing a little hobbled last night with two bad wheels, which makes her a big bright beautiful star!

Dylan also came to the field feeling less than stellar, but in typical Badman style, he sacrificed, persevered and came through in the clutch for us. Plus he anchored a very busy left field for us last night against a very good hitting team. Michael Jackson once asked the question, "Who's bad?" Dylan Magierek is bad. That's who's bad.

Kendra played an aggressive and solid 3rd base last night--filling in for the sorely missed Ali Brown--but she also shined at the plate going 5-5 and scoring 4 runs, including providing the spark we needed with 2 outs in the bottom of the 6th inning. Those are VIP numbers, folks, franchise player statistics. Holly momentarily took the tough girl title away from her last week, but Kendra tattooed that crown of thorns around her biceps last night, a la Pamela Anderson. Grrr! Let's just hope that doesn't come with Hepatitis C.

Quick note on Tim Gray, who has flown under the radar in our first two games of Fall Ball; not only does he bring a big smile and a powder blue San Diego Chargers visor to each game, he has quietly put up some good numbers at the plate and has played a very solid right field. Last night, he went 4-4 scoring 3 runs, including a big run and RBI in that exciting comback 6th inning. Plus, he had the play of the game last night making a diving snow cone catch in a soggy right field. Respect.

Player of the Game: Kate Skelton. Not only did she play injured the whole game last night (and didn't complain a bit, unlike that crotchety old Coach guy), but she played a little 2nd base, she played some right field, and she went 3-4 at the plate with 1 RBI and she scored (well, Sarah scored) 3 runs. Kate is, by all accounts, a true Glover.


  1. what an epic game! great job recapturing it coach! It's gonna be a hard one to top...i'm glad we don't play them again this season, so we can bask in this glory for a lil while.


  2. was a great recap! wish i could'a been there...somehow i feel like i was? can't wait to hit the plate this week. cheers! - holly
