Monday, September 27, 2010

STOP! Hammertime

I am so pumped about this game.

STG is going to drop some knowledge on these clowns, they will find themselves as irrelevant as that stupid fucking song.

If you have something to say...


Thursday, September 23, 2010

And on Thursday, the softball gods cried...

because they were afraid of The Glove, and the fields were too wet to play on.

And as it goes with Fall Ball, there are no make up games. See you all next week, ...hopefully.

We should think of a sacrifice to appease the gods, just in case. We will need a virgin. Any volunteers?

Or we could all move to a drier climate...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Power Outage

With our backs up against the wall, The Glove stepped up and took another game away from the competition. This one wasn't quite as pretty as games before, but sometimes The Glove gets a little dirty, sometimes The Glove just does what it has to do to win. With hardly a breath or an inch to spare, The Glove unplugged some big bats and dropped a blackout on Power Play, and once again we did it in dramatic fashion with a 5-run last inning rally at the plate and some stellar lockdown defense to secure the victory.

To quote one of our generation's greatest poets/philosophers,

"Don't call it a comeback, we been here for years
Rockin our peers and puttin suckas in fear
Makin the balls rain down like a MON-soon

Listen to the bats go BOOM


Over the competition,
we're towerin..."

I think that sums up our efforts the last two games.

But last night was especially telling about how deep the finger of The Glove can reach. No, it doesn't always feel good and sometimes it hurts a little, but remember this: The Glove has lots of fingers, and if one of them hurts there are four more standing right next to you... and there's five more on the other hand.

Think about that.

We were missing some key members of The Glove, so we had a few new faces on the bench last night. I really want to thank Mike and Brad for filling in last night. I think it goes without saying that we couldn't have won without them.

I also want to give a big shout out to Jonathan for subbing in last minute; he brought a good glove, a steady bat, and unexpectedly fast wheels with him. And with even numbers of men and women, everyone got a chance to play last night, and that (along with beating the shit out of the competition) is the team goal.

Big ups to Brad, Jonathan and Mike.

Quick recap of the game last night.

Right out of the gate, The Glove put up 4 runs in the 1st inning. Kendra, Marcus, Nick and Mike all scored with the help of some good bats and aggressive base running by the top 9 hitters in the lineup. The Glove picked up right where we left off in the top half of the 2nd inning scoring 3 more runs with the same steady approach; Marcus, Brad and Sarah scored on the shoulders of good hitting by Ali and Nick. Unfortunately, Power Play’s bats finally woke up in the bottom half of the 2nd inning; with the help of some towering fly balls and a few miscues on our defense, they tied the game up at 7 runs.

The next 3 innings were pretty unspectacular; good defense on both sides held the game virtually in check, although Power Play stole some runs here and there to post a 10-7 lead going into the top of the 6th and final inning.

We needed three runs to keep the game going, at least four runs to give ourselves a chance to win. This time, however, there were no motivational speeches, no words of wisdom. Since the 2nd inning, there was no real offense to speak of other than a few hits sprinkled here and there, no spark from which to start a late-game fire. The proverbial air had been sucked out of the room as The Glovers faced certain defeat.

If something was going to happen, we would have to make it happen. And in typical Glove style, we started clapping our hands, we kept drinking our beer, and we cheered on the first batter; if we were going down, we would go down as a team.

Mike got the party started by hitting a double. With a runner in scoring position, Jonanna stepped up to the plate and delivered an RBI single. We got one run closer.

Newly added Glover Jonathan came up to bat and cranked an RBI extra base hit, rumbling, bumbling and finally stumbling all the way to 3rd base, leaving himself in scoring position. One run closer, and now we were building momentum.

Crazy Legs Holly and her *awesome* thigh high socks rocked a single scoring Jonathan from 3rd base.

Tied game!

We had new life, momentum on our side, and we weren’t done yet. Brad stepped up to the plate and crushed an RBI double and advanced on a throwing error to put himself into scoring position. The Glove had taken the lead.

Tickle-Me-Tim (Timwit? Just in the nick of Tim?) waltzed up to the plate and slapped a single down the 3rd base line scoring another run.

The score was now 12-10. STG was back in the lead with ½ an inning to go. It was up to the defense to bring this game home.

The first batter up for Power Play crushed a heart wrenching extra-base hit. Two batters later, he scored to pull PP within one run of The Glove.

STG was still in the lead 12-11. There were runners on 1st and 2nd with only one out. Power Play was in the heart of their batting lineup; the same hitters coming to the plate were the same ones that made the game competitive back in their 7-run 2nd inning, and they were sure to challenge our defense one more time. Coach was able to get ahead of the batter with a quick strike on the first pitch. Not wanting to give this big hitter a good look at any more pitches, Coach pitched him outside and eventually filled the count at 3 balls, 2 strikes. On the next pitch the ball was crushed, a deep fly ball to right field. Coming out of nowhere, sprinting with every ounce of energy he could muster Brad drew a bead on the well-hit ball and somehow (miraculously!) snared the fly ball on the warning track for the 2nd out. The runners, not giving our defense any benefit of the doubt whatsoever, ran the bases with abandon--not waiting to tag up--assuming they would score the tying and winning runs on this one hit in walk-off fashion, got doubled up with a force out at 1st base.

The Glove wins!

Two people I really need to shine a spotlight on.

1. Sarah played an amazing game. She put together another solid game at the plate getting a base hit and scoring a big run for us in the 2nd inning, but in a game where 1 run made the difference, every out on defense was a big out and SG played some outstanding defense getting 3 outs on foul ball popups... and she made those plays against some really big hitters for the other team. It's not easy getting hit by pitches behind the plate all night long, then popping up and tracking down foul balls against the background of those bright lights at Delta Park. Much love, SG.

2. I also want to thank Brad again for filling in out there in right field. Some people have this idea that right field is where softball defense goes to die, but as we all know that is not the case. Many home runs and extra base hits often go to right field... and the tighter the defense the better chance any team has to win. Of course, that game saving last inning catch by Brad is more than just an example of good 'defense'; that was more like fodder for softball lore, snagging that towering fly ball on the warning track at the most critical point in the game like some kind of cross between a one-handed touchdown by Randy Moss with the grace of Baryshnikov, and he maintained enough composure to get the ball in to his cutoff who helped complete the force out double play at 1st base.


Friday, September 10, 2010

No Mercy

What a game.

I think this was the game of the year.
Best Glove game ever?

And what's more, we beat those Mercy Corps [insert derogatory term here]!

This game had it all: public intoxication, diving catches in the outfield, people getting hit with the ball, public intoxication, strikeouts, homeruns, and public intoxication!

When the smoke cleared and the band stopped playing... at the end of it all, The Glove showed no mercy and straight up took the game away from Mercy Corps. And those of us who played together will forever be bonded by the pain and endurance, as well as the sheer will and determination it took to win that game.

The game went 6 innings, and it was back and forth all night long: they scored 6 runs, we scored 5; they scored 3 runs, we scored 4... and at the end of 5 innings the score was knotted at 13 runs apiece.

Extra innings.

The umpire screamed at the top of his lungs, "We're now playing international rules!" meaning each team would go to bat with a runner in scoring position on 2nd base. Mercy Corps was the visiting team so they got first crack, and they jumped on us scoring 6 runs in a very deflating top half of the 6th inning.

The umpire looked at us as we finally secured the 3rd out and started walking off the field. "You need 7 runs," he said.

Coach hobbled to the sidelines, his back tightening more and more with every step, thirsting for that can of Budweiser waiting for him on the bench. In a very calm voice he reassured the embattled Glovers, "We don't need 7 runs. We just need to score 1 run, 1 run at a time."

Wise beyond his years, that man.

We started the bottom half of the 6th with Sarah on 2nd base. First pitch, crack! Dan drills the ball over second base into right field and stretches out an RBI double. One run.

Next batters, Kate and Tim, bam-bam! two more runs.

Then we hit a dip, two quick outs on two pop flies. Hope was fading, and it was fading fast.

Down three runs with two outs and a runner on 3rd base, Kendra nails a line drive double over shortstop into left field. One more run.

Coach steps up to bat, boom! hits a towering triple to left field scoring one more run.

Jonanna steps to the plate and drills a liner up the middle of the field for an RBI single. One more run.

Bottom of the 6th inning, two outs, a runner on 1st base, down by one run, Nick steps up to bat, CRACK! The ball sails into deep left center and rolls to the fence. With those long dancer's legs and her PF Flyers cinched up tight, Jonanna digs deep and scores the tying run all the way from 1st base (one more run). With the ball still in play, Nick is waived in aggressively as he motors around 3rd base. The ball is thrown in from the outfield, hits the cutoff at shortstop who throws a rope to home plate, the pitcher falls back to cover the force out at home--it's gonna be close...


The last run.

On a walk-off inside the park home run, The Glove wins 20-19.


I want to give props to Kate & Amy for filling in again this week; you two are a godsend. And Kate was playing a little hobbled last night with two bad wheels, which makes her a big bright beautiful star!

Dylan also came to the field feeling less than stellar, but in typical Badman style, he sacrificed, persevered and came through in the clutch for us. Plus he anchored a very busy left field for us last night against a very good hitting team. Michael Jackson once asked the question, "Who's bad?" Dylan Magierek is bad. That's who's bad.

Kendra played an aggressive and solid 3rd base last night--filling in for the sorely missed Ali Brown--but she also shined at the plate going 5-5 and scoring 4 runs, including providing the spark we needed with 2 outs in the bottom of the 6th inning. Those are VIP numbers, folks, franchise player statistics. Holly momentarily took the tough girl title away from her last week, but Kendra tattooed that crown of thorns around her biceps last night, a la Pamela Anderson. Grrr! Let's just hope that doesn't come with Hepatitis C.

Quick note on Tim Gray, who has flown under the radar in our first two games of Fall Ball; not only does he bring a big smile and a powder blue San Diego Chargers visor to each game, he has quietly put up some good numbers at the plate and has played a very solid right field. Last night, he went 4-4 scoring 3 runs, including a big run and RBI in that exciting comback 6th inning. Plus, he had the play of the game last night making a diving snow cone catch in a soggy right field. Respect.

Player of the Game: Kate Skelton. Not only did she play injured the whole game last night (and didn't complain a bit, unlike that crotchety old Coach guy), but she played a little 2nd base, she played some right field, and she went 3-4 at the plate with 1 RBI and she scored (well, Sarah scored) 3 runs. Kate is, by all accounts, a true Glover.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Clear Mortgage Solutions tried to deny The Glove, but we cashed in a little bat-and-glove equity and gave them a small glimpse at our high credit rating, 18-3.

This first game of the Fall season was nothing short of spectacular. We incorporated a few changes to our roster, but in typical Glove style we didn't skip beat and we managed to add a little sparkle to our game.

Before we move on to the game recap, I want to shine a light on some new Glovely faces.

Nick comes to us from a connection to another softball team. As you may recall, Nick subbed for us in a very important game last season, he filled a huge void left by Scott at shortstop, and came through amazingly well. I am very happy to have him anchoring the infield.

Holly is our new resident tough girl (sorry Kendra). Holly is no stranger to the field of play, honing her talents in the Underdog leagues, but she showed us very clearly that PMSA softball can't contain her either.

Ezra is the softball equivalent of a gym rat. Ezra probably knows Portland softball better than all of the rest of us Glovers combined, and he is a welcomed addition to the team, especially because I can finally get a break from the mound every now and then.

Kate (and Amy!) was a late addition to the team. We are still in negotiations with her people to work out a contract for the rest of the season, but management is hopeful that she will be a fixture on this team.

Then there's Tim... what can I say about Tim? Let me think about that one for a while. When I am with Tim, we usually laugh a lot, my wallet ends up lighter if not completely empty, somebody nearby usually gets naked, and the next morning is usually hazy. I'm not exactly sure what he brings to the team yet, but I know there are lots of fun times ahead :)

To all the new faces, welcome!

Now on to the plays (and players) of the game.

1. 2nd base was a hot spot last night. There were quite a few plays where Holly sacrificed her body to knock down some hard hit balls, and to her credit she never gave up on a single play and secured some tough outs for us on defense. Her roller derby background makes a lot more sense now.

2. Still at 2nd base. 4th inning, just when CMS was trying to put together a late game rally with a runner on 1st, Jonanna cleanly fields a ground ball, flips the ball to Nick who then fired a strike to Dan at 1st base for a beautiful 4-6-3 double play. It doesn't get prettier than that.

3. The other hot spot last night (thanks to some masterful pitching by Ezra and Coach who kept the CMS hitters off balance and relegated their offense to ground balls and weak fly balls) was 3rd base. I lost track of how many put-outs Ali had last night; her glove got worked last night, including some hot line drives, and as expected, she came through every time. I can't imagine ever playing softball without you, Ali.

Player of the Game is Holly Pierce. You never could have guessed that last night was Holly's first game as a Glover. From the moment she stepped onto the field last night she owned 2nd base. I mean, she practically lifted her leg, marked her territory, and said "This is my house!" At the plate, Holly went 3-for-3 and scored a run in a big 5th inning. I know Holly is happy to be playing with The Glove, and we are thrilled to have her on the team.

I wish I had a few more gems to point out about the game, but in typical Glove fashion we played a fundamental game, making plays on defense, and stringing together some base hits to move runners around the bases; nothing fancy, just solid softball... and I am pretty sure everyone had fun.

We got off to a good start scoring 6 runs in the first inning, but the nail in the coffin was an 8-run 5th inning. I'll finish this post with a recap of our hitting/offensive stats (no RBIs unfortunately), and as you will see, this was a team win; everyone did the work, everyone came through.

Great game, everyone!

Kendra, 3-for-4, scored 3 runs.
Marcus, 4-for-4 with 3 runs scored, including a home run in the 5th inning.
Ali, 2-for-4 with 1 run scored.
Nick, 3-for4, 1 run scored.
Jonanna, 2-for-3.
Dan, 3-for-3, 2 runs scored.
Holly, 3-for-3, 1 run scored.
Dylan, 2-for-3, 2 runs scored.
Kate, 2-for-3, 1 run scored.
Tim, 2-for-3, 1 run scored.
Sarah, 3-for-3, 1 run scored.
Ezra, 3-for-3, 2 runs scored.