Tuesday, May 25, 2010

21 Outs

After playing two one-sided games to start the season, the Logitech Lunatics pushed us the distance, we had to play all 7 innings to get the hard earned and much deserved 6-3 victory. We faced a few challenges with a very, very green umpire, but it was great to see everyone stay strong and play consistently the entire game.

One thing was very much the same last night, defense won the game. The Lunatics got off to a good start scoring 3 runs in the first couple of innings, but we held strong and kept them scoreless down the stretch highlighted by some amazing plays.

Top plays:

1. Ali - Double play! With runners on 1st and 2nd, Ali fielded a ground ball, made the force out at third and fired a strike across the diamond to Dan to complete the double play.
2. Kendra made some timely catches in left field late in the game on some really hard hit balls - I'd expect nothing less...but we don't take you for granted!
3. Almost double play, if the ump didn't have his head up his ass. Abbey to Scott to Dan. We got the force out at 2nd base and a close play at 1st base should have been called an out.

Abbey also made a great catch on a line drive earlier in the game. Great game Abbey!

Happy feet award: Dylan finally got caught in a pickle between 2nd and 3rd (he and I got pickled later that night to make up for it!). Honorable mention goes to Shawna who also showed some speed trying to steal an extra base while Dylan kept the defense occupied. Way to be aggressive! That is the Glove Way.

Player of the Game: Scott Binney. Scott scored twice, had 3 RBIs, and played some great defense. In a tight 4-3 game, Scott drove the ball deep into left center field and scored two important runs on an inside-the-park homerun in the 5th inning, which gave us a little breathing room and helped secure the victory. Not sure how Ali felt about it, though; she was the runner on base who had to motor all the way from 1st base to score. Nice wheels Ali!

Monday, May 24, 2010

New Schedule

As you may already know, our two rain out makeup games have been rescheduled for the week of June 7. We play two games that week, including a Thursday night game at our old stomping grounds, Normandale. That’s bad luck for Beernuts II and good luck for Lil’ Cooperstown Pub & Grill where we will celebrate the end to an undefeated first half of the season!

Sinnot's Tavern (aka Lil' Cooperstown)

Please take a look at the schedule and let me know if you can make the games.

June 7, 9:30PM

Steel City House Rockers, Delta Park - Marathon field

June 10, 6:15PM

Beernuts II, Normandale #2

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Makeup Games

PSA is in the process of scheduling makeup games, they should be posted online by the end of the week; I will be sure to let you know as soon as I hear something. The games will be scheduled during the 1st two weeks in June. If any of the makeup games are not rescheduled during that time, they will be made up at the end of 2nd half of the season.

The 2nd half of the season will begin the week of June 13.

Trying to give you all a heads up on scheduling so you can let me know whether or not you will be out of town for any games or otherwise occupied. We've been a little challenged so far getting enough people to show up; before the start of the season everyone was in favor of a smaller roster to cut down on substitutions and maximize playing time. I don't expect you to make every game, things come up all the time (hangovers, vacations, hangovers, work, hangovers, illness, hangovers, ...hangovers, etc.), I'm just asking for some proper notice so I have enough time to round up subs if necessary; more than a few hours, more than a day or two, if possible.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fuck the J League!

Two games in a row now called before time ran out…

the Run Ahead Rule again, 20-4.


Are the other teams that bad?

Are we that good?

Hell, yeah, we’re that good!

Tonight was another team effort, and once again defense dominated and secured the victory. Great game, everyone.

Plays of the night:

1. Top play, Scott “don’t call me Kendra” Binney & Thunder Dan; 6-3 double play on a ground ball up the middle, with a bad wing Scott still made a perfect throw to first base… nice stretch, Dan!

2. Siamese catch in left center, The Left Field Monster, Zackowski & Kendra. ZacKendra? The Big Kendrowski? The Dude abides...

3. What?! You’re trying to hit a line drive for extra bases into right field? Not on Jonanna’s watch, biatch!

3-B. Abbey catches a *towering* pop fly in short right field. Nice catch.

Players of the game: STG, aka Team Glove. We sputtered the first few innings (although our scoring output those few innings would have been enough to win the game), but the bats came alive in the 5th inning. 16 Glovers went to the plate, 3 of us scored twice, 12 runs total.

Special thanks to Jonanna and Sam for filling in last minute, and for both of you it was really last minute. We couldn't have done it without you.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I don't know what to say, ....but wow! We played a solid game against a team that should have been a little more competitive, but to the Banana Slugs' credit they were a nice and friendly team.

Our offense was pretty solid, but our defense helped secure a 15-0 shutout, and the game was called in the 4th inning due to the Run Ahead Rule. That is something to be proud of.

Outstanding players:
  • Ali, awesome play on a hard hit groundball to 3rd base.
  • Scott and Dan, doubleplay.
  • Heather, Scott, Abbey, close play at 2nd base.

I want to give special props to Jonanna for filling in for our missing Kendra and Shawna; that is not an easy job, but Jonanna went 3-for-3 and scored 3 runs.

Player of the game: Jonanna Widner.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thursday = "SUN" day?

The forecast is looking good for our next game. This is our only Thursday game, so let's make it a good one; i.e., please don't over do it on Cinco de Mayo.

We will be a little short-handed on the female side of things, I hope to see everyone else there.

Plan on showing up a little early so we can get warmed up and review some of the rules, just to make sure we're all on the same page.

Thu, 5/6 @ 8:25pm Banana Slugs WVO/Budweiser