Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dan doesn't like the fat guy.... this is my other idea.


  1. I agree, the new design is a little better than the fat guy (although I do love the fat guy!).

    I vote for the new design, or we can always go back to last year's design.

  2. Umm.. Why is the GUY the one catching the ball Kendra? Is there some underlying stereotypes we are playing in to here?? - I think the girl should have the glove on... it would go well with the skirt...

  3. I do like the concept though Kendra - you are quite creative... Ever thought of becoming an artist??

  4. Some where along the way I think we lost the idea that is suppose to be logo for a SOFTBALL team. What happened?

  5. i think the new design captures the team image well; it's simple, it's creative, it's a guy and a girl (coed), and it has the same glove that the sexy mud flap girl used last year, a link to the past.

    maybe we change the wording to our team name or just drop the team name altogether. i liked the fact that we didn't have a team name on the shirts last year. the design said it all.

    and if you all remember, everyone (on the field and off) loved our shirts last year.

    OR does anyone else have any ideas?

  6. hey dan,
    how about we put an image of a softball or a bat or something really creative on the shirt?

  7. Kendra,

    Now I think we are thinking alike.

  8. We should base the girl on our awesome trophies from last year! Swinging away in a cute little skirt. I think that sums up our team pretty well!
