Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Game 1, Step 1

Due to bad weather (relentlessly horrible, soul crushing, cold, wet weather) we didn't get in nearly as much practice as I would have liked this Spring, but that's ok. The flow of the game and the team bonding begins this week.

Game 1 of the new softball season is this Thursday at 8:25pm. I think it's fitting that we kick off the season on the Portland Marathon sponsored field. The mentality of a marathon is a good way to approach any new season: It begins with the first step; you find your groove, and you push forward even if you get a blister, cramp up, your nipples start to bleed or you shit your pants a little. This season in particular will be a journey of team building and practice, but bring a little TP, just in case. Lots of beer helps, too!

Smell the Glove has a storied past of amazing comebacks, dominant games and successful winning seasons (that is part of the team culture). And we're also a pretty diverse group of people, which I think adds to the glories of our success and appeal of our team, as a whole. As long as we focus on having fun on Thursday night I think we'll enjoy a good start to the season.

Now, let's play ball!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Let the games begin!

Alright Glovers, we're almost out of time and there's not a lot of room for excuses anymore because the games are scheduled.

The schedule for the first half of the season just got posted online; click here to see the schedule. It will also be posted on our home page in the 1st Half Schedule section for your review along with the phone number to call for field/rainout updates.

Our first game is on Cinco de Mayo, so put on your sombreros, eat your salsa, pull the jalapenos out of your asses and get ready to hit the softball pinata!

We have one more week to practice, and whether you make it next week or not please please please take some extra time to swing the bat, hit some balls and play catch before the first game. We want to have fun, we will do our best to win, but I don't want anyone to get hurt. Before you think that I am looking out for your health and best interests, think again; we have a very lean roster this year, and I can't afford to have anyone get hurt, especially all of you old people, present company excluded ;)

I think we have all been looking forward to this day for a very long time, especially after this long, wet, cold winter. Let's make the most of this opportunity. When the other teams see or hear Smell the Glove, I want them to bring their best because that's what it's gonna take to compete against us.

Monday, April 4, 2011


As the old saying goes, April showers bring seasonal depression and early onset alcoholism.

And despite the soggy ground, muddy fields, achy joints and general lethargy it's time to pull out your mitts from the back of the closet and brave the elements... it's time to gird our glovely loins and hit the practice field.

Thursdays are a good day to practice since our games will be scheduled on Thursday evenings.

I have reserved Field #1 at Normandale Park every Thursday starting at 6pm during the month of April. That gives us 4 opportunities to start swinging the bats in the open air, 4 opportunities to get our arms in shape by playing a little catch, 4 opportunities to strengthen the bond that makes STG such a tough team to beat.

I understand that scheduling conflicts make it difficult for some of you to make it every week, I will do my best to squeeze in a few weekend practice days, weather permitting.

In addition to banging the rust off our collective game, practice is a great way to avoid injury; if you haven't swung a bat or thrown a ball or run for more than 60 feet at a stretch (that is roughly the distance between bases on the diamond) game situations can intensify your physical effort and leave you open to over exertion. I know it's just softball, but I've seen people hurt their arms and shoulders on a throw from the outfield or even a simple toss across the field, I've seen people pull a muscle trying to score from 3rd base on a close play or even the short/easy run to 1st base. And because it is just softball, I'd hate to see anyone get hurt because they weren't prepared.

On the days that the rain may prohibit practice on the field, please be flexible about meeting up at the batting cages on Stark:

Batting A Thousand
8829 SE Stark Street
PDX 97216

See you on the field!